Saturday 19 September 2015

This Week's Theme! #6

Do you like anime or manga? Are you a weeaboo or an otaku? Then boy, do I have a theme for you! This one's called Cutie Kawaii, which roughly translates to "Cutie Cute" since "kawaii" means "cute" in Japanese. Redundant, much? Anyway, I'm very excited to show you this theme because this one has quickly become one of my favourites. More on that later, though.
I really like this page. Yes, the entire page. The handbag looks so adorable, though I could have sworn I've seen this before. Ah, MovieStarplanet, you sly dog. You're always returning items from the back of the shop... Anyway, the 6 diamond dress looks really cute. I can see myself wearing that, though I'd have to do something about the legs since they'll likely be exposed too much. The 500 starcoin jumper looks really cool as well, along with the 750 starcoin cat dress. My favourite from this page is probably the 1800 starcoin jumper. I don't care how expensive it is, it's freaking adorable. I would definitely wear that during the winter months, though I don't want to plan it just yet. It's only the beginning of Autumn, after all.
I really like this page, too. The 700 starcoin hair is what my Cheesy Chocolate account's wearing right now. Yes, it's that adorable. The 275 starcoin mask looks cute as well, though I find it hard to make it look right on any outfit I create. I like the 550 starcoin cat jumper, it looks very cute and I can see myself wearing it. I also like the 8 diamond dress as well, that would easily fit right in with any prom kind of parties. Say, why doesn't anyone role play outside of forums? Most people just stand and do nothing in chatrooms, where there's plenty of room to do role playing. Weird...
Okay, it's official, MovieStarPlanet are recycling items. You can find the 300 starcoin headband at the back of the shop, along with the earrings, the other headband, the 700 starcoin top and that 425 starcoin top. Don't get me wrong, these are cute, but they could have come up with something original, couldn't they?  Anyway, I think those 550 starcoin dungarees just solved a bunch of clothing choice problems for me. Want something casual? These dungarees would be perfect. I also like the 575 starcoin jumper, though I'm not sure if I'd use it myself since it looks a bit baggy.

Overall, I'm proud to give this theme an 8/10. I don't like that they recycled a few items, but they did come up with some very original, very cute items that I would be proud to wear.

May the cheese be with you!


This Week's Theme! #5

Hello, everyone! Today I have another theme for y'all, and it's called the Glamour Cruise theme. This theme sounds promising, but I'm not going to judge until I have actually reviewed it. So, let's review it now.
 I was right with my assumptions. I personally really like the swimsuit; you don't get many swimsuits on MovieStarPlanet, probably because they fear angry parents will flame them for it, saying that it's "showing too much skin." At the same time, I feel MovieStarPlanet without swimsuits renders the Beach chatroom almost unplayable. But maybe that's just me. Moving on, I think that the 300 starcoins top looks really nice. I really like the rainbow hearts design and it would certainly be something I'd make my backup wear. The 900 starcoins top looks good as well: it's very business-casual. I also like the 8 diamonds hair a lot. Normally I don't advocate for spending diamonds on clothes, but the hairstyle looks nice. I'm not too sure about the hat, though. I suppose it would look nice with a few changes...
I really really like the shoes. The design looks really good, which is a relief because most shoes that aren't Princess Toes tend to look like rubbish. By this I mean that shoes tend to be, in my opinion, ugly high-heels that don't sit well with any outfit I create. I'm not too fond of the earrings; they look a bit "big" if you understand what I mean. The 1100 top looks okay, though the price is a little on the high side. 
This page isn't too bad. The 475 starcoin shoes look pretty nice. The design appears to have bows, and I really like bow shoes. The 600 starcoin shoes look really nice as well, though unfortunately I don't like high heel shoes so I wouldn't use them myself. The hair design looks really good, but it's a shame that they didn't put a lot of detail in the actual hair because I seriously would have used it otherwise. Oh, and yes, it has a bow in the hair as well, which makes it all the better. I'm not too fond of the leopard-print pants, though. It looks pretty obnoxious in my opinion and definitely isn't my style.

To conclude, I give this theme a 7/10. They definitely could have done worse with this theme, I'm not going to lie. Some items look very good, and even a few mediocre items look quite good.

May the cheese be with you!


Friday 18 September 2015

This Week's Theme! #4

Hey, it's been a while! I apologise for not updating since, like, June time, but I am going to review a couple of week's themes every day for the next week in order to catch up with recent times. Sadly, I can't review any animations, music tracks or anything that is not clothing which belongs to each theme. Why, you ask? Well, it'll be hard to tell which stuff matches the themes with the exception of clothing. I promise to get back to reviewing music, animations, objects etc... after this week has passed, though. 

Enough rambling, let's continue. But before I get to reviewing, I need to introduce you to someone:
This is Annoying Rainbow, my freshly-created, non-laggy, friendless back up account that I created for the sole purpose of making writing posts ten billion times easier. You can add her if you want to, but she won't respond to anything because she's too busy making posts for me. Whenever I'm on this account, you can guarantee that I'm in the middle of making a post. So, without further ado, I'll go right ahead and get straight to reviewing the Super Hero Sleek theme!
I have to admit, so far, I'm not a huge fan of this theme. I'm not really sure what they were thinking with the 600 starcoins top; it looks hardly appropriate, if you older players understand what I mean. I like the 1600 starcoins dress, though. It kind of reminds me of something Harley Quinn from Batman would wear. I think it's far too expensive for what it actually is though. Even under the shopping spree it'd be on the expensive side: 800 starcoins, anyone? I also think the diamond items are somewhat of a joke, too. They're not too bad, but for 6/7 diamonds I don't find these to be very good. The design just doesn't fit my style, sorry.
The 500 starcoin hair looks really nice, in my opinion. I can see myself wearing that, especially under a Finn hat (you'll know what I'm talking about if you've seen the "What Time Is It?" theme) and a few colour changes. The 525 starcoin shorts look good as well. Don't underestimate trousers: with any casual outfit, they're needed, but not many of them look good. Hopefully these would look nice with a colour change. I like the earrings as well, they're a pretty unique style. I personally wouldn't wear them, but I have seen Ishacool's Superhero outfit and the earrings look pretty dang awesome with that outfit.
Finally, we have the last page. Something about the helmet vaguely reminds me of something from the Tron series. I think that's the vibe they were going for, anyway. This page is so full of "evil" items that I guess this is the supervillain page. Woo-hoo! I don't know if this is just my addiction to Pixar movies, but those glasses kind of remind me of Edna Mode's from The Incredibles. I probably would have squealed in delight if I saw costumes relating to The Incredibles, but I suppose that would require permission from MovieStarPlanet's competition, Disney. Sigh...

Anyway, I'd like to conclude with a rating of: 2/10. I know it may seem harsh considering I do like some clothing that's with this theme, but at the end of the day, I don't find it that great. There's not a lot here I would use outside of movies and purposely dressing up as a superhero, so I don't think this really is for me. 

Stay tuned for more This Week's Theme blog posts!

May the cheese be with you!
